• Chatenier Kanda, 1-9-18, Kajicho, Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo, 101-0044, Japan


Website localization, updating, CMS administration and content planning

Japan-localized Website

pic_digitalWeb search is very common in Japan as in the other countries, regardless of private or business. The user behavior of inquiry action to PR-sourced information is the same, the potential lead will contact you after conducting further searches on own.

Having information resources for such potential customer is very important, to trigger their next action of inquiry. The website content doesn’t always have to be the full content of the HQ website, but important to have sufficient information such as who you are, industries serving, and products and solutions.

In addition to localized corporate website, further local-focused developments would increase value of the website as information source as well as to complement marketing/sales function. They can be blogs, SNS, eNewsletter or such means that Japan team can provide information.


Website supports

  • Localization
  • Updating
  • CMS administration