NEWS 04.09.2020
PolyQuest to expand PET recycling capacity in South Carolina
Plans call for building at least one additional FDA, RPET resin line in Darlington that is scheduled to be operational by Q3, 2021 …read more
NEWS 02.09.2020
Trinseo collaborates with Coexpan to validate PS recycling technologies
The objective is to develop polystyrene containing recycled content that is fit for use in the global dairy industry’s form fill seal (“FFS“) market …read more
NEWS 02.09.2020
Russian Sibur to produce PET granules partially from recycled feedstock
PET flakes derived from used food packaging will serve as an input for primary polymers …read more
NEWS 02.09.2020
New coil strapping system for Conair ATC series coilers
A new coil strapping system automatically and securely straps finished coils of small-diameter extruded tubing …read more
REMA、新しいINTAREMA® ZeroWastePro
EREMA – new INTAREMA® ZeroWastePro
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Evonik、C4 Verbundの有望分野に投資
NEWS 01.09.2020
Evonik invests in promising specialties from the C4 Verbund
The company is investing around €15 million in its C4 production network in Marl …read more
NEWS 01.09.2020
New date announced for Plastpol
This year’s International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing is held from 6 to 8 October …read more
NEWS 01.09.2020
Arabplast 2021 postponed
The show has been postponed to 15th – 18th of November 2021 …read more